“Empowerment” is Focus of Free Black Male Forum Sponsored by Jack & Jill

The Jacksonville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. will host a two-day program entitled “Empowering Boys to Be Men” on November 14, 2015 and December 5, 2015. The program will expose 50 young men attending middle and high school to resources that will help them pursue positive pathways in life. On November 14, there will be workshops on financial literacy, college and career preparation, and a frank discussion with local law enforcement officials. The focus for December 5 is the UNF Osprey Challenge Course. Applications are available at www.jackandjill-jaxs.com. Other partners of the program include Kappa League members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Dupont Middle School and Marti Forchion, Arthur of A+ College Prep Planner.

“We are excited to bring back a strong mentoring component to our programming this year,” said Patricia G. Sams, president of the Jacksonville Chapter of Jack and Jill. “Last year, we successfully worked with 32 young men with our coalition of partners and we addressed what we feel is a critical need in the community.”

“Empowering Boys to Be Men” is funded through an annual $3,000 Jacqueline Robinson Regional Competition Grant provided by The Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc. The Foundation, based in Washington, D.C., has supported community-based organizations that help children and families since 1968 and distributed millions of dollars to nonprofit organizations all across America. As the demands of parenting become more complex in the 21st century, the Foundation is firmly committed to funding projects of interest to local Jack and Jill Chapters that promote its five-point strategy of building tomorrow’s leaders. The Jacksonville Chapter of Jack and Jill has supported programming nurturing leadership skills among local youth for 47 years.

For more information on the program or to obtain an application, please email jnjjaxfoundation@gmail.com or visit www.jackandjill-jaxs.com.

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