The Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, recently held two enriching business etiquette programs for their Delta Academy, Delta GEMS Institute and Delta EMBODI youth group participants. The Kappa Guide Right and Omega Lamplighters youth groups also attended the programs, which were designed to enhance professionalism and career skills awareness.
The Business Etiquette and Professional Responsibility Workshop was held at Eugene Butler Middle School featuring “Success Stations” facilitated by Deltas who served as “Success Coaches.” Presentations included the following: Unlocking Your Potential: Keys to Effective Communication, Personal Grooming and Business Attire: Dressing for Success, Elevator Speeches, Top 10 Interviewing Tips and Personality Assessment and Career Mapping.
The event was followed up with a second session with participants dressed in business attire, where they had an opportunity to participate in a networking reception and discuss their career aspirations with professionals.
Following the Reception, they visited career exhibits to engage with professionals who practice in fields the participants have expressed interest in.
Represented career fields included medicine, engineering, legal and judicial, military, pharmacy, media and technology. The programming culminated with “All-Star” participants showcasing professionalism, interpersonal communication, networking and business attire.
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