Children As Young As 11 Years Old Will Have Legal Consent To Vaccinations Under New Proposed Law

By Victor Omondi – Following a bill passed in Washington, DC, children as young as 11 years old could be recommended for vaccinations without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. According to the Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act bill, if a doctor confirms that a minor can meet the informed consent standard, then they could receive the government-recommended inoculations, just like the HPV vaccine.

The bill requires the Department of Health to provide information about age-appropriate vaccines. And in case the proposed law is approved, doctors would be required to bill insurers directly and send the vaccination records to the child’s school “if the parent is using a religious exemption.”

However, Trayon White Sr., the only council member to vote against the bill, thinks that a child at the age of 11 is too young to make an independent medical decision about their health.

“Parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children,” said White, adding that vaccines are dangerous for children.

The doctors and public health officials who supported the bill highlighted the need for high vaccination rates to curb potential outbreaks. The proposed legislation would need to be passed by the Council for the second time and then be approved and signed by Mayor Muriel Bowser for it to become a law.

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