By Kevin Palmer -Kamala Harris is Joe Biden’s political anti-Black soulmate. Kamala’s anti-Black track record was probably the deciding factor in her vice-presidential candidate selection. Her role is to seduce politically native Blacks to vote for Biden and reassure anti-Black liberal Whites.
Kamala Harris will be as useless to Black voters as were the “Mulatto Conservatives” to Blacks during slavery. In his book, Dirty Little Secrets, Dr. Claud Anderson stated, “Mulatto Conservatives were light-skinned free Blacks who fought with the Confederate Army to preserve the Old South. They believed a little bit of whiteness made them better than their dark-skinned, enslaved brothers and sisters.”
To Kamala Harris, Black Lives Matter only if it is to her advantage. In order to get elected as California’s attorney general, it mattered to have an affair with Black San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. Once elected, incarcerating Blacks was all that mattered to Kamala Harris.
For more on the original article visit: https://thewestsidegazette.com/blacks-be-aware-of-kamala-harris/
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