“For a really long time, I have refused mammograms, and that was a mistake,” Lewis said. “I watched my mom get mammograms for almost 30 years almost, and at the end of that, she had breast cancer, and I said, ‘Huh. Radiation exposure for years equals breast cancer. Yeah, I’m going to pass. Thanks anyway.’”
Had she received mammograms from the time they were recommended, Ananda says her cancer would have been diagnosed early enough. The treatment would have been easier and managing it wouldn’t be challenging.
“If I had done the mammograms from the time they were recommended when I turned 40, they would have caught the tumor in my breast years before I caught it through my own breast exam—self-exam—and thermography,” the former model said.
While it’s not as easy to manage cancer at any stage, what she’s going through now is tougher.
Mammograms are low-dose x-rays that help doctors locate abnormalities in breast tissue, according to cancer.com. Usually, they can detect breast cancer tumors before a lump is felt. The 47-year-old says she’s been battling cancer for more than two years now and seeking treatment.
“I have been doing 1000 percent alternative and natural protocols and treatments and I have helped this particular condition not spread like wildfire through my body,” Ananda said emotionally. “That’s good news, but it’s not gone, and I still have a lot of work to do. And, I wish I could go back.”
Ananda is admitting that she was wrong for refusing mammograms and encourages women not to make a similar mistake.
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