Alphas Celebrate First Anniversary by Registering Voters

Shown left to right are the brothers of Sigma Pi Lambda pictured l to r: Darius Russell, Chris Long,  Tyron Mills, Wahid Jenkins, Michael McCoy and Darrin Eakins.

The Sigma Pi Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. recently held a voter registration drive in Arlington.

Not deterred by Covid-19, the fraternity’s “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People” national program has focused on voter education and registration for over 65 years.  Locally the chapter registered more than fifty voters.  Many of the voters were first time registrants, while others took the opportunity to update their information.  The program also focuses on political awareness and empowerment.

The chapter has been working hard to engage the citizens of Clay, St. Johns and Duval counties to participate in the upcoming elections.  Still a baby, the local chapter was formed in 2018 to strengthen the bridge between undergraduates and graduate chapters locally.

The chapter will be celebrating its one year anniversary on July 27, 2020. Shown left to right are the brothers of Sigma Pi Lambda pictured l to r: Darius Russell, Chris Long,  Tyron Mills, Wahid Jenkins, Michael McCoy and Darrin Eakins.

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