Work Your Dream Job Fair Offers Careers and Not Just a Paycheck

Shown is job fair attendee Lisa Ruiz with job fair vendor Jesus Garay, CEO Global Freight and Commerce Company
Show is job fair attendee with LeSabre Johnson, of Year Up Jacksonville.

For the City of Jacksonville, the high unemployment rate is reflected in our urban communities.  With over a 100 homicides as of August 2019 there is a direct connection between high crime and high unemployment. Our local public/private partnerships often join forces to create pathways to success through consistent commitment to building employment awareness and wealth in undeserved communities.

A coalition of community partners recently presented their second, “Work Your Dream Job Fair,” at the Wells Fargo Community Center in Springfield. The job fair offered a wide array of employment opportunities, job training and education to the hundred of attendees that visited  job fair vendors. The fair’s goal was to create career pathways, and not temporary solutions for applicants.
Attendees were asked to come dressed in business professional attire and be interview ready. “This is an all hands on deck effort to shift the narrative in our city from the murder capital to the earning capital,” said public relations rep Tabitha Higgs.   Shown L-r is job fair attendee Lisa Harrison and YearUp Representative LeSabre Johnson.

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