Atlantic Coast High School student Jaila Green enjoyed a night of festivities after being surprised by family and friends for her Sweet Sixteen Denim and Diamond Birthday surprise soirée. The guest of honor’s father escorted her to the Queen’s chair awaiting her at the end of the red carpet. Jaila changed from her diamond flats to her diamond heels as her father removed one and replaced with the other.
A hip-hop group featured by POSH Productions wowed the crowd of 50 teenagers dressed in denim outfits with the latest dance routines. Demi’s makeup was onsite to make up the girls faces, along with a photographer and caricature artist. The night was filled with fun, food and laughter as attendees danced the night away at the Doubletree Hotel at the Airport.
Even though Jailas birthday is March 27th, the surprise party was held weeks later due to the honorees school projects and guest invites from out of state family members eagerness to attend the surprise soiree. participate. Jaila’s goal is to attend college and pursue a career in the medical profession as a registered nurse. Shown is Jaila in front of her Sweets 16 treats!
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