Entrepreneurs Soiree Heightens Business Pitch Success

By Lynn Jones 

Creating a successful business or elevator speech is critical to the dynamics that make up a small business. From invoicing to advertising to networking, a small business owner or as they’re called an ‘entrepreneur,’ is scouring the streets from dusk to dawn to fulfill their obligations to customers.  Whether it’s a package to be delivered, mailed or meetings to attend, being an entrepreneur is a full time job.  Reminding entrepreneurs to not rest on their laurels, Program Success magazine held a networking soirée last week at Breezy’s downtown jazz club.
More than 50 small business owners attended the after work cocktail hour.  Guests networked and made their way to the stage to compete in the elevator pitch contest. Seven business owners competed for a chance to win a complementary bottle of champagne or the top prize to receive a $100 bar tap. The winner was dance instructor, vocal artist and vice president of Mila E. Swag gear, a creative designing business that creates innovative paraphernalia laced with bling!
The next Program Success networking affair is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th at 6 p.m. at Breezys, Adam Street, 119 W. Adams St. Shown in the middle is runner up Jamila Rouse with Success magazine publisher Darryl Barrs and Breezys owner Thea Jeffers.

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