904WARD, a community organization advancing racial equity through research, training and dialogue sponsored five episodes of the Jacksonville-based Collective Perspective Podcast as part of their ‘200 Conversations for 200 Years’ initiative. The podcast encourages members of the Northeast Florida community to host 200 Race Card conversations in honor of Jacksonville’s 200th birthday. The live discussion of race and race relations guests included former Jaguars player Jeremy Mincey of Mr. Mince Productions, Inc., and Tatiana Yoguez, author of Life Outside the Game: A Sex Trafficking Testimony. The event was free and open to the public and held on the north bank inside Underbelly late night venue in front of a live audience. Shown are hosts Jeff Aldrich, former Jaguars player Jeremy Mincey of Mr. Mince Productions, Inc., DJ Malone and Tatiana Yoguez, author of Life Outside the Game: A Sex Trafficking Testimony discussing race relations. The Race Cards are available at https://904ward.org/the-race-cards/
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