Agape Free Education Classes Focus on Communication

Shown is workshop facilitator Laura Minnich educating attendees on communication coping styles.

The Getting Educated Monthly Session (G.E.M.S) and the Agape Promote Protect Improve team (P.P.I) recently held an informative workshop entitled “Coping: Communication.”  Family Foundations of Northeast Florida, Clinical Counselor Laura Minnich, led participants through a series of interactive exercises designed to help them better understand their own unique communication styles. Attendees delved into the four primary communication types, learning the distinct characteristics of each approach. By guiding the attendees through this recognition process, Minich empowered them to recognize their default patterns and consider how they might adapt their styles to foster more productive, harmonious interactions in their personal and professional relationships.

AGAPE Community Health Center, Inc., organization was established in 2004 to provide quality healthcare services for the insured, uninsured, and underinsured residents of Jacksonville, FL.

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